Let’s start with the basics. What does it even mean to have your appetite suppressed?
Essentially, it’s when your hunger is curbed as your brain is “tricked” into thinking you’re not as hungry as you truly are, and as a result, your overall appetite and food intake may be compromised. There are specific drugs and supplements that claim to do this, as they are marketed to help with weight loss, however, their impacts can be questionable.
But is this something we should strive for? Likely not, as it may put you out of touch with your internal hunger cues, but what do we do when some foods are marketed to suppress appetite?
We’ve heard time and time again that caffeine within coffee may suppress appetite, but to what extent? And what about decaffeinated coffee – does it work the same? Is coffee itself an appetite suppressant? Stay tuned to have all your questions answered, and determine the best route of action if you’re a coffee drinker.

Studies on Coffee and Appetite
Before we jump further, we have to answer the famous question – does caffeine itself suppress appetite? A brewed cup of coffee provides roughly 80-170 mg of caffeine, with 400 mg of caffeine per day being considered safe for men and women 19 years of age and older.
In a study conducted to determine the impact of coffee and caffeine on appetite, it was determined that caffeine consumption anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours before a meal may suppress energy intake (aka, it may impact your appetite and consumption of food). In another study, there were no significant differences indicated with regard to appetite and caffeine consumption.
So what does this mean? Well, depending on your genetics, metabolism, and taste buds, these may impact your outcomes, as we know that nutrition is individualized, however, there is definitely room for further research and trials in order to determine the long-term influence of caffeine on appetite and feelings of hunger.
What’s more important to note is that consumption of copious amounts of caffeine or fluids may take the place of nutrient-dense foods within your dietary patterns. For example, rather than having a complete breakfast meal, individuals often opt for a cup (or two) of coffee and eat no solid foods until much later in the day. Drinking a lot of fluids may be what is suppressing someone’s appetite, more so than the actual caffeine content itself.
But what about the overall impacts of decaffeinated coffee? Keep reading to find out.
Does Decaffeinated Coffee Suppress Appetite?
We already determined that caffeine may (keyword: may) or may not suppress food intake. A cup of decaffeinated coffee provides about 3-15 mg of caffeine, which is much less than a cup of caffeinated coffee. With this in mind, it’s evident to see that the caffeine content is much lower, leaving us to question its impacts on appetite.
The same study that we reviewed earlier determined that consumption of coffee anywhere from 3-4.5 hours before a meal had a minimal influence on intake. In layman's terms – this means there were really no major indicators to suggest that intake of coffee impacts food intake or appetite.
Another study conducted examining the effect of coffee and caffeine on appetite also concluded that there were no significant effects, but suggested further studies are recommended to determine the impacts of caffeine and coffee over longer periods of time. Again, there’s not much evidence to support the claims of coffee (even decaffeinated) as having a major impact on appetite.
So now that we’ve covered coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated, let’s talk about the final recommendations.
The Final Word on Coffee and Appetite Suppression
The media has told us time and time again that coffee suppresses your appetite, and this is what we have been led to believe all these years. Although the research is pretty minimal thus far, it has essentially stated coffee and caffeine have no significant influence on appetite or food intake.
Coffee itself can provide a small number of nutrients, such as potassium, niacin, and magnesium, along with antioxidants. Other than increasing energy, consumption of a moderate amount of coffee (without exceeding the daily amount of milligrams of caffeine that is considered to be safe) may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease.
It’s important to remember that nutrition is individualized, and what works for one individual may not work for the next. The overall goal isn’t to eat less or reduce food intake, but to include nutritious foods that your body will thank you for. Coffee consumption can definitely fit within a balanced diet and has many beneficial properties to offer.
So, in summary, there really weren’t any major studies or indicators to point towards coffee or caffeine having an influence on appetite or food intake. As previously mentioned, what may suppress appetite more is the volume of fluids consumed, or what is added to the coffee (for example, the sugar, cream, milk, etc.)
My take? I probably would not rely on coffee to be an appetite suppressant, both caffeinated or decaffeinated.
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